domenica 28 marzo 2010

MyPPC - MLs [Build 21895.5.0.90]

Per il Kaiser dal grandissimo ed inimitabile UJ!

MyPPC - MLs [Build 21895.5.0.90]
Versione: K0
Lingua/e: ITA - WWE - FRA - GER - SPA - NLD - RUS - PTG - NOR
Creatore: UltimoJedi
Data di rilascio: 15/03/2010
Descrizione: Questo mio nuovo progetto lo voglio dedicare a tutti gli amici del forum che ho conosciuto fino ad ora: MaJa, udK, luigino99, swatch83, mmark, fabioalessandro, lele, Ciobo, Michy, LucaP, zerocool, furb3t, Jordi, sgoo, woldemort e tutti gli altri con cui giornalmente scambio due chiacchiere su questo splendido forum.
Le donazioni ricevute per questo progetto verranno utilizzate per il mantenimento del nostro forum (50% delle donazioni) e per evitare di dover dare in permuta il mio Tilt per l'acquisto di un nuovo dispositivo (50% delle donazioni).
Se credi che le mie ROM siano buone sostieni lo sviluppo della sezione Kaiser con una donazione, clicca QUI -> Immagine

Programmi inclusi:
  • W.M. 6.5 Build 21895
  • I soliti programmi che mi permettevano il Multi-Lingua.

Immagine Immagine Immagine

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Nulla d'aggiungere

Le ROM sono scaricabili dal nostro webFTP

Radio consigliata:
  • [url]Radio Maria[/url]

Discussione ufficiale: QUI

T.i.R. v24.1T - Manila 2.5.20121412.1 - Build 21897.5.0.91

Nuova ROM per il Topaz dall'amico Lele!

T.i.R. v24.1T
Versione: V24.1T
Lingua/e: ITA/WWE
Data di rilascio:23/03/2010
Descrizione:Build 21897.5.0.91
Programmi inclusi:
  • Base Rom v2.53
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • LZX Compressed
  • and other


Codice: Seleziona tutto
[+] build 21897
[+] Ram Sweeper 2.2 e messo sotto cartella "strumenti"
[+] Facebook
[+] Office 2010
[+] New Slide Manila
[!] Fix manila per traduzione sulla città impostata ITA version
[!] Fix manila per traduzione spostamento collegamenti rapidi ITA version

Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdobePDF 2_5_1_0_404840_03
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_1
aGPS_Confirmation 1_0_20111829_00
Album 3_2_20113922_0
AppointmentEditor 1_0_20111623_0
App_Service 1_81_0_0
Audio_Booster 2_5_19194032_lo00
Audio_Manager_Engine 2_0_20113121_h
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
Boot_Launcher 1_0_19152530_2
BrowserSnapshot 1_0_19224019_0
BTBPP 1_9_3_0
BTSAP 3_2_0_R7
Calculator 1_1_19224019_0
Camera 6_15_37355_0
ClearStorage 2_3_1_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_2_0
CMBluetooth 1_2_0_0
CMCallBarring 1_3_4_0
CMCallerID 1_5_1_0
CMCallForwarding 1_4_B_0
CMCallWaiting 1_3_1_0
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_6_B_0
CMPhoneVMSetting 1_8_0_0
CMPin 1_5_3_0
CommManager 2_9_T_1
Concurrence_Mgr 1_5_19221227_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_20111826_00
Contact_Picker 1_0_20113132_00
Contact_Utility_Engine 1_2_20113727_00
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_1
DeviceInfo 2_7_1_0
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090930_01
DRM_Middleware 1_5_19221328_00
Dshow 2_0_20113730_00
Email_Setup_Wizard 2_3_20111731_30
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1919_3232
Facebook_Engine 1_1_19223127_01
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FM_Radio 1_7_19181421_02
Footcam 1_26_19213627_00
FootprintsThumbViewer 1_0_19212227_01
FootPrintsVE 2_0_19221924_00
Footprints_Engine 1_1_19202521_1
FormatSD 1_16_0_0
Full_Screen_Player 1_8_20113022_00
GoogleLocationService 1_0_1_21R1
GPS_GMM 3_0_106_3
GroupEditor 1_0_20111733_00
G_Sensor_Calibrator 1_1_19183520_3
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCBirthday 1_2_0_0
HTCBookmark 1_0_20111623_0
HTCFDN 1_8_2_0
HTCFont_Link 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_5_19223320_00
HTCGeoService 1_0_19213626_00
HTCLockScreen 2_0_20121427_01
HTCMessage 1_09_281_2
HTCMessaging_Client 1_5_20113831_00
HTCScroll 2_0_19221326_00
HTCSettings 1_4_4_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
IE6Enhancement 1_0_19224019_0
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19223325_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19223329_00
IME_Tutorial 1_0_19222525_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_2
Java_JblendPackage_2_1 2_1_20090429_2_1_R6
Long_Press_End_Key 1_5_20111823_00
Manila_Calendar 2_5_20111823_0
Manila_Core 2_5_20121412_1
Manila_DocumentBrowser 2_5_20121926_0
Manila_Footprints 2_5_20111529_0
Manila_Home 2_5_20113626_2
Manila_Internet 2_5_20113925_0
Manila_Mail 2_5_20121822_0
Manila_Message 2_5_20121820_0
Manila_Music 2_5_19224026_0
Manila_People 2_5_20113030_2
Manila_Photo 2_5_19224023_0
Manila_Settings 2_5_20121231_0
Manila_Stock 2_5_20111730_0
Manila_Twitter 2_5_20112427_0
Manila_Weather 2_5_20121525_0
Media_Tool_kit 1_2_20113121_0
Menu_Enhancement 1_1_20113129_00
Message_Enhancement 1_2_19224032_00
mHub_VO 1_8_091221_X1
MicrophoneAGC 0_92_0_0
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
New_Contact_Card 1_1_20113729_0
Notification_Enhancement 3_5_20113824_00
OOBE 1_0_20111726_00
Opera_Browser 9_70_35758_0
PhoneSetting 1_64_0_0
Phone_Canvas_Enhancement 4_2_51620111831_0
Picture_Enhancement 1_50_19221924_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
Power 3_5_1_1
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Quick_GPS 2_0_19223429_05
Random_Access 4_2_19183026_0
Redial 1_3_0_0
Resource_Proxy 1_0_19221124_00
Ringtone_Plugin 1_0_19221426_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1107_02
RunCC 1_1_f_0
Sensor_SDK 4_2_19221329_01
SharedResource 1_0_20111720_00
Shared_Modules 1_01_19221333_00
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SimContactImport 3_4_19221923_00
SimLock 4_28_0_0
SIM_Mgr 6_76_0_1
Social_Networks_Engine 1_1_20111727_00
StartIconLoader 2_5_20113129_0
STK_Service 4_93_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_74_0_2
StorageLow 1_0_0_2
Streaming_Media 3_1_20113125_00
Streaming_SDK 2_7_19212819_00
TaskBarIconMgr 2_13_0_0
TaskManager 2_1_19183631_17
Teeter 2_0_19221932_00
Text_Selection 1_0_19212229_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19222424_01
USB_To_PC_Pop_Up 2_3_20111720_00
USSD_Service 4_38_0_0
VBookmarkMgr 1_0_19213624_00
Video_Telephony 2_5_35575_0
Voice_Recorder 2_0_20113911_0
Volume_Control 2_2_20121229_00
Wi-FiWizard 1_24_2_0
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_3
WLANSettings 2_7_10_1
zlibce_m 1_2_30_00


ITA TiR24.1T_0410 - webftp myppc

WWE TiR24.1T_0409 - webftp myppc

Radio consigliata:

Discussione ufficiale:
Discussione Ufficiale


[ROM - WWE-ITA] LynxEX 1.4-[576MB] [WM6.5.5 - Build 23549]

Nuova ROM per il LEO dall'amico LucaP!!

LynxEX 1.4
Versione: 1.4
Lingua/e: WWE/ITA
Creatore: Lucap
Data di rilascio: 27.03.2010
Descrizione: Windows Mobile 6.5 - OS CE 5.2.23549 Build 23549.5.5.0
Programmi inclusi:
  • HTC Sense 2.5.2012.1412.1
  • Office Mobile 2010 con SharePoint
  • Google Maps 4 con Buzz Layer
  • TRE (RegEditor)
  • ClearTemp
  • Batteria in percentuale
  • NoData
  • HTC GPS Tool
  • Mortscript
  • e altri


Codice: Seleziona tutto
Build WM 23549
Rimosso tab documenti
Incrementato di qualche MB lo spazio di storage interno (oltre 250MB disponibili)
Incrementato benchmark video su TCPMP (testato con demo helicopter.mp4 e trailer AVI di matrix)
Aggiunto Facebook Basic Tab [ref: ]
Aggiunto Co0kie's Home Tab [ref: ]
Aggiunto Co0kie's Home Tab Editor [ref: ]
Aggiunto HTC e-reader [ref: ]
Aggiunto OABsoftware's Manila E-Book Library Manager [ref: ]
Aggiunto HTC Flashlight senza demo iniziale [ref: ]
Aggiunto fix icona tastiera del dialer
Aggiunto tweak per touchscreen [ref: ]
Aggiornato tab Twitter con supporto completo al landscape
Aggiornati alcuni OEM tra cui: Opera,Facebook Engine,WiFi advanced,SocialNetworking Engine
Aggiornati Microsoft MyPhone e Marketplace
Layout in stile HD Mini con possibilità di tornare a situazione standard WM6.5.5 (tool presente in Strumenti)
Disattivata taskbar WindowsMobile
Bottone per accedere al task manager attivato nella finestra delle notifiche avanzate
Assegnato al CommManager il softkey sinistro
Tap prolungato tasto chiamata assegnato all'HTC Flashlight


Radio consigliata:
  • Radio inserita nella rom


Discussione ufficiale:

HTC Desire Unboxing

Dal portale Slashgear 2 video dell'unboxing del Desire!

domenica 21 marzo 2010 V01T - Manila 2.5.20121412.1 - Build 23549.5.5.0

Dal mitico LELE una novissima ROM per il TOPAZ! V01T
Versione: V01T
Lingua/e: WWE
Data di rilascio:21/03/2010
Descrizione:Build 23549.5.5.0
Programmi inclusi:
  • Base Rom v2.53
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • LZX Compressed
  • ed altri


Codice: Seleziona tutto
[+] build 23549.5.5.0
[+] Manila 2.5.20121412.1
[+] Tab Call History
[+] New Lock screen from HD MINI porting by michyprima [ ]

Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdobePDF 2_5_1_0_404840_03
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_1
aGPS_Confirmation 1_0_20111829_00
Album 3_2_20113922_0
AppointmentEditor 1_0_20111623_0
App_Service 1_81_0_0
Audio_Booster 2_5_19194032_lo00
Audio_Manager_Engine 2_0_20113121_h
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
Boot_Launcher 1_0_19152530_2
BrowserSnapshot 1_0_19224019_0
BTBPP 1_9_3_0
BTSAP 3_2_0_R7
Calculator 1_1_19224019_0
Camera 6_15_37355_0
ClearStorage 2_3_1_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_2_0
CMBluetooth 1_2_0_0
CMCallBarring 1_3_4_0
CMCallerID 1_5_1_0
CMCallForwarding 1_4_B_0
CMCallWaiting 1_3_1_0
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_6_B_0
CMPhoneVMSetting 1_8_0_0
CMPin 1_5_4_0
CommManager 2_9_T_1
Concurrence_Mgr 1_5_19221227_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_20111826_00
Contact_Picker 1_0_20113132_00
Contact_Utility_Engine 1_2_20113727_00
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_1
DeviceInfo 2_7_1_0
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090930_01
DRM_Middleware 1_5_19221328_00
Dshow 2_0_20113730_00
Email_Setup_Wizard 2_3_20111731_30
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1919_3232
Facebook_Engine 1_1_19223127_01
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FM_Radio 1_7_19181421_02
Footcam 1_26_19213627_00
FootprintsThumbViewer 1_0_19212227_01
FootPrintsVE 2_0_19221924_00
Footprints_Engine 1_1_19202521_1
FormatSD 1_16_0_0
Full_Screen_Player 1_8_20113022_00
GoogleLocationService 1_0_1_21R1
GPS_GMM 3_0_106_3
GroupEditor 1_0_20111733_00
G_Sensor_Calibrator 1_1_19183520_3
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCBirthday 1_2_0_0
HTCBookmark 1_0_20111623_0
HTCFDN 1_8_2_0
HTCFont_Link 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_5_19223320_00
HTCGeoService 1_0_19213626_00
HTCLockScreen 2_0_20121427_01
HTCMessage 1_09_281_2
HTCMessaging_Client 1_5_20113831_00
HTCScroll 2_0_19221326_00
HTCSettings 1_4_4_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
IE6Enhancement 1_0_19224019_0
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19223325_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19223329_00
IME_Tutorial 1_0_19222525_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_2
Java_JblendPackage_2_1 2_1_20090429_2_1_R6
Long_Press_End_Key 1_5_20111823_00
Manila_Calendar 2_5_20111823_0
Manila_Core 2_5_20121412_1
Manila_DocumentBrowser 2_5_20121926_0
Manila_Footprints 2_5_20111529_0
Manila_Home 2_5_20113626_2
Manila_Internet 2_5_20113925_0
Manila_Mail 2_5_20121822_0
Manila_Message 2_5_20121820_0
Manila_Music 2_5_19224026_0
Manila_People 2_5_20113030_2
Manila_Photo 2_5_19224023_0
Manila_Settings 2_5_20121231_0
Manila_Stock 2_5_20111730_0
Manila_Twitter 2_5_20112427_0
Manila_Weather 2_5_20121525_0
Media_Tool_kit 1_2_20113121_0
Menu_Enhancement 1_1_20113129_00
Message_Enhancement 1_2_19224032_00
mHub_VO 1_8_091221_X1
MicrophoneAGC 0_92_0_0
MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
New_Contact_Card 1_1_20113729_0
Notification_Enhancement 3_5_20113824_00
OOBE 1_0_20111726_00
Opera_Browser 9_70_35758_0
PhoneSetting 1_64_0_0
Phone_Canvas_Enhancement 4_2_51620111831_0
Picture_Enhancement 1_50_19221924_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
Power 3_5_1_1
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Quick_GPS 2_0_19223429_05
Random_Access 4_2_19183026_0
Redial 1_3_0_0
Resource_Proxy 1_0_19221124_00
Ringtone_Plugin 1_0_19221426_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1107_02
RunCC 1_1_f_0
Sensor_SDK 4_2_19221329_01
SharedResource 1_0_20111720_00
Shared_Modules 1_01_19221333_00
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SimContactImport 3_4_19221923_00
SimLock 4_28_0_0
SIM_Mgr 6_76_0_1
Social_Networks_Engine 1_1_20111727_00
StartIconLoader 2_5_20113129_0
STK_Service 4_93_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_74_0_2
StorageLow 1_0_0_2
Streaming_Media 3_1_20113125_00
Streaming_SDK 2_7_19212819_00
TaskBarIconMgr 2_13_0_0
TaskManager 2_1_19183631_17
Teeter 2_0_19221932_00
Text_Selection 1_0_19212229_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19222424_01
USB_To_PC_Pop_Up 2_3_20111720_00
USSD_Service 4_38_0_0
VBookmarkMgr 1_0_19213624_00
Video_Telephony 2_5_35575_0
Voice_Recorder 2_0_20113911_0
Volume_Control 2_2_20112128_00
Wi-FiWizard 1_24_2_0
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_3
WLANSettings 2_7_10_1
zlibce_m 1_2_30_00


WWE MYPPCv01T_0409 - webftp myppc

Radio consigliata:

Discussione ufficiale:
Discussione Ufficiale


sabato 6 marzo 2010

T.i.R. v23T - Manila 2.5.20121412.1 - Build 21895.5.0.90

T.i.R. v23T
Versione: V23T
Lingua/e: ITA/WWE
Data di rilascio:06/03/2010
Descrizione:Build 21895.5.0.90
Programmi inclusi:
  • Base Rom v2.53
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • LZX Compressed
  • and other


Codice: Seleziona tutto
[+] build 21895
[+] Manila 2.5.20121412.1
[+] Tab Call History
[+] New Lock screen from HD MINI porting by michyprima [ ]

Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdobePDF 2_5_1_0_404840_03
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_1
aGPS_Confirmation 1_0_20111829_00
Album 3_2_20113922_0
AppointmentEditor 1_0_20111623_0
App_Service 1_81_0_0
Audio_Booster 2_5_19194032_lo00
Audio_Manager_Engine 2_0_20113121_h
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
Boot_Launcher 1_0_19152530_2
BrowserSnapshot 1_0_19224019_0
BTBPP 1_9_3_0
BTSAP 3_2_0_R7
Calculator 1_1_19224019_0
Camera 6_15_37355_0
ClearStorage 2_3_1_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_2_0
CMBluetooth 1_2_0_0
CMCallBarring 1_3_4_0
CMCallerID 1_5_1_0
CMCallForwarding 1_4_B_0
CMCallWaiting 1_3_1_0
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_6_B_0
CMPhoneVMSetting 1_8_0_0
CMPin 1_5_3_0
CommManager 2_9_T_1
Concurrence_Mgr 1_5_19221227_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_20111826_00
Contact_Picker 1_0_20113132_00
Contact_Utility_Engine 1_2_20113727_00
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_1
DeviceInfo 2_7_1_0
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090930_01
DRM_Middleware 1_5_19221328_00
Dshow 2_0_20113730_00
Email_Setup_Wizard 2_3_20111731_30
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1919_3232
Facebook_Engine 1_1_19223127_01
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FM_Radio 1_7_19181421_02
Footcam 1_26_19213627_00
FootprintsThumbViewer 1_0_19212227_01
FootPrintsVE 2_0_19221924_00
Footprints_Engine 1_1_19202521_1
FormatSD 1_16_0_0
Full_Screen_Player 1_8_20113022_00
GoogleLocationService 1_0_1_21R1
GPS_GMM 3_0_106_3
GroupEditor 1_0_20111733_00
G_Sensor_Calibrator 1_1_19183520_3
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCBirthday 1_2_0_0
HTCBookmark 1_0_20111623_0
HTCFDN 1_8_2_0
HTCFont_Link 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_5_19223320_00
HTCGeoService 1_0_19213626_00
HTCLockScreen 2_0_20121427_01
HTCMessage 1_09_281_2
HTCMessaging_Client 1_5_20113831_00
HTCScroll 2_0_19221326_00
HTCSettings 1_4_4_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
IE6Enhancement 1_0_19224019_0
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19223325_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19223329_00
IME_Tutorial 1_0_19222525_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_2
Java_JblendPackage_2_1 2_1_20090429_2_1_R6
Long_Press_End_Key 1_5_20111823_00
Manila_Calendar 2_5_20111823_0
Manila_Core 2_5_20121412_1
Manila_DocumentBrowser 2_5_20121926_0
Manila_Footprints 2_5_20111529_0
Manila_Home 2_5_20113626_2
Manila_Internet 2_5_20113925_0
Manila_Mail 2_5_20121822_0
Manila_Message 2_5_20121820_0
Manila_Music 2_5_19224026_0
Manila_People 2_5_20113030_2
Manila_Photo 2_5_19224023_0
Manila_Settings 2_5_20121231_0
Manila_Stock 2_5_20111730_0
Manila_Twitter 2_5_20112427_0
Manila_Weather 2_5_20121525_0
Media_Tool_kit 1_2_20113121_0
Menu_Enhancement 1_1_20113129_00
Message_Enhancement 1_2_19224032_00
mHub_VO 1_8_091221_X1
MicrophoneAGC 0_92_0_0
MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
New_Contact_Card 1_1_20113729_0
Notification_Enhancement 3_5_20113824_00
OOBE 1_0_20111726_00
Opera_Browser 9_70_35758_0
PhoneSetting 1_64_0_0
Phone_Canvas_Enhancement 4_2_51620111831_0
Picture_Enhancement 1_50_19221924_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
Power 3_5_1_1
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Quick_GPS 2_0_19223429_05
Random_Access 4_2_19183026_0
Redial 1_3_0_0
Resource_Proxy 1_0_19221124_00
Ringtone_Plugin 1_0_19221426_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1107_02
RunCC 1_1_f_0
Sensor_SDK 4_2_19221329_01
SharedResource 1_0_20111720_00
Shared_Modules 1_01_19221333_00
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SimContactImport 3_4_19221923_00
SimLock 4_28_0_0
SIM_Mgr 6_76_0_1
Social_Networks_Engine 1_1_20111727_00
StartIconLoader 2_5_20113129_0
STK_Service 4_93_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_74_0_2
StorageLow 1_0_0_2
Streaming_Media 3_1_20113125_00
Streaming_SDK 2_7_19212819_00
TaskBarIconMgr 2_13_0_0
TaskManager 2_1_19183631_17
Teeter 2_0_19221932_00
Text_Selection 1_0_19212229_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19222424_01
USB_To_PC_Pop_Up 2_3_20111720_00
USSD_Service 4_38_0_0
VBookmarkMgr 1_0_19213624_00
Video_Telephony 2_5_35575_0
Voice_Recorder 2_0_20113911_0
Volume_Control 2_2_20112128_00
Wi-FiWizard 1_24_2_0
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_3
WLANSettings 2_7_10_1
zlibce_m 1_2_30_00


ITA TiR23T_0410 - webftp myppc

WWE TiR23T_0409 - webftp myppc

Radio consigliata:

Discussione ufficiale:
Discussione Ufficiale
