lunedì 30 novembre 2009

Anteprima della nuova TiR v20 Kaiser

T.i.R. v20 K - Venezia
Versioni: 20K [Lite - Manila2D]
Lingua/e: ITA - WWE
Creatore: UltimoJedi
Testers: Swatch83 - Sgoo
Data di rilascio: 01/12/2009

Immagine Immagine
Immagine Immagine
Immagine Immagine


sabato 28 novembre 2009

TiR Explosion v2

TiR Explosion -build 28005.5.3.0
Versione: v2
Lingua/e: ITA/WWE
Creatore: MaJa
Data di rilascio: 28-nov-2009
Descrizione: Rom con Opera 10 e per la vesione WWE Office 2010
Programmi inclusi:
  • Rom lite
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Official Rhodium WM6.5 OEMXIPKernel
  • Based on the Official ROM v1.88
  • .NET Compact Framework 3.5
  • LZX Compressed
  • Reduced ULDR
  • Removed some unused modules
  • Patched no-cert


Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
aGPSConfirmation 1_0_19183131_04
Album 3_0_19202431_0
App_Service 1_72_0_2
Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
AudioBooster 2_2_19174121_0
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
BootLauncher 1_0_19152530_1
ButtonSetting 3_17_0_2
Calculator 1_0_19172021_00
Camera 6_16_35844_1
ClearStorage 1_42_0_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_2_0_2
CMPin 1_4_5_0
CommManager 2_9_11_0
ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19142726_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_19192630_00
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090720_02
DRMMiddleware 1_5_19142824_00
DShow 2_0_19191728_01
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1917_2021
FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FMRadio 2_0_19181421_00
FullScreenPlayer 1_6_19173924_00
GoogleMap 3_0_012_3
GSensorCalibrator 1_1_18212730_4
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCFDN 1_3_0_0
HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_1_19191322_00
HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
HTCScroll 2_0_19153028_1
HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
HTC_EmailSetupWizard 2_0_19183811_30
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
JBlendJava_JTWI 0_0_20090429_21R4
LongPressEndKey 1_2_19143124_00
MediaToolkit 1_0_19202431_00
Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_01
mHubVO 1_77_090609_X0
MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
Office------------only wwe version Office 2010
PhoneCanvas 3_50_36045_0
PhoneSetting 6_43_0_0
PictureEnhancement 1_50_19171326_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Power_Service 2_23_0_3
PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
Redial 1_3_0_0
ResourceProxy 1_0_19151630_00
RingtonePlugin 1_0_19161525_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1101_RP_02
RunCC 1_1_b_0
SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
SharedModules 1_01_19143331_03
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SIMLock 4_26_0_2
SIM_MGR 6_73_0_0
SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
STK_Service 4_91_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
StorageLow 1_0_0_3
StreamingMedia 3_1_19183421_01
StreamingSrcFilter 2_7_19162918_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19192032_00
TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
USBToPCPopUp 2_2_19143124_1
USSD_Service 4_34_0_1
VideoTelephony 2_5_34646_0
Volume_Control 2_2_19183727_20
Wi-FiWizard 1_20_0_1
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
WLANSettings 2_6_4_0
zlibce_m 1_2_3_0
New Task Manager for 6.5.3

Ulteriori modifiche:


Radio consigliata:


Discussione ufficiale:


giovedì 26 novembre 2009

mercoledì 25 novembre 2009

TiR tester!

Ecco cosa faccio ogni volta che finisco di testare una ROM di Maja!!

In coda al filmato ci sono i commenti di Maja e udK!! :risata:

sabato 21 novembre 2009

udK Leo R7 WM6.5 - Base v2.31

udK Leo R7
Versione: R7
Lingua/e: WWE-GER-ITA
Creatore: udK
Data di rilascio: 20/11/2009
Descrizione: Build 21874.5.0.83
Programmi inclusi:
  • Manila v2.5
  • Auto Install
  • ROM Settings
  • E molto altro!

Immagine Immagine

Codice: Seleziona tutto
[!]Fixed A2DP
[!]Fixed Facebook Album online




Discussione ufficiale:

udK WM6.5.3 BETA1 - Base v2.31 - No Manila

Aggiornamento anche per l'amico udK!!

udK WM6.5.3 BETA1
Versione: BETA1
Lingua/e: WWE-GER-ITA
Creatore: udK
Data di rilascio: 20/11/2009
Descrizione: Build 28002.5.3.0
Programmi inclusi:

Immagine Immagine

Codice: Seleziona tutto
[+]OS CE 28002 (WM 6.5.3)
[!]Fixed A2DP
[!]Fixed Facebook Album online




Discussione ufficiale:

TiR Explosion v1.1

TiR Explosion -build 28002.5.3.0
Versione: v1.1
Data di rilascio:21-nov-2009
Descrizione: Rom con Opera 10 e per la vesione WWE Office 2010
Programmi inclusi:
  • Rom lite
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Official Rhodium WM6.5 OEMXIPKernel
  • Based on the Official ROM v1.88
  • .NET Compact Framework 3.5
  • LZX Compressed
  • Reduced ULDR
  • Removed some unused modules
  • Patched no-cert


Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
aGPSConfirmation 1_0_19183131_04
Album 3_0_19202431_0
App_Service 1_72_0_2
Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
AudioBooster 2_2_19174121_0
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
BootLauncher 1_0_19152530_1
ButtonSetting 3_17_0_2
Calculator 1_0_19172021_00
Camera 6_16_35844_1
ClearStorage 1_42_0_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_2_0_2
CMPin 1_4_5_0
CommManager 2_9_11_0
ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19142726_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_19192630_00
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090720_02
DRMMiddleware 1_5_19142824_00
DShow 2_0_19191728_01
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1917_2021
FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FMRadio 2_0_19181421_00
FullScreenPlayer 1_6_19173924_00
GoogleMap 3_0_012_3
GSensorCalibrator 1_1_18212730_4
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCFDN 1_3_0_0
HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_1_19191322_00
HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
HTCScroll 2_0_19153028_1
HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
HTC_EmailSetupWizard 2_0_19183811_30
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
JBlendJava_JTWI 0_0_20090429_21R4
LongPressEndKey 1_2_19143124_00
MediaToolkit 1_0_19202431_00
Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_01
mHubVO 1_77_090609_X0
MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
Office------------only wwe version Office 2010
PhoneCanvas 3_50_36045_0
PhoneSetting 6_43_0_0
PictureEnhancement 1_50_19171326_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Power_Service 2_23_0_3
PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
Redial 1_3_0_0
ResourceProxy 1_0_19151630_00
RingtonePlugin 1_0_19161525_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1101_RP_02
RunCC 1_1_b_0
SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
SharedModules 1_01_19143331_03
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SIMLock 4_26_0_2
SIM_MGR 6_73_0_0
SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
STK_Service 4_91_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
StorageLow 1_0_0_3
StreamingMedia 3_1_19183421_01
StreamingSrcFilter 2_7_19162918_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19192032_00
TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
USBToPCPopUp 2_2_19143124_1
USSD_Service 4_34_0_1
VideoTelephony 2_5_34646_0
Volume_Control 2_2_19183727_20
Wi-FiWizard 1_20_0_1
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
WLANSettings 2_6_4_0
zlibce_m 1_2_3_0

Ulteriori modifiche:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
1-Fix scrollBar nel modulo telefono
2-Inclusione di una sorta di taskmanager per chiudere le applicazioni legato all' orologio nella barra superiore
3-Aggiornamento a Myphone 1.5.2128
4-Riduzione ulteriore memoria


Radio consigliata:

Discussione ufficiale:


venerdì 20 novembre 2009

TiR Explosion v1

TiR Explosion -build 28002.5.3.0
Versione: v1
Data di rilascio:20-nov-2009
Descrizione: Rom con Opera 10 e per la vesione WWE Office 2010
Programmi inclusi:
  • Rom lite
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Official Rhodium WM6.5 OEMXIPKernel
  • Based on the Official ROM v1.88
  • .NET Compact Framework 3.5
  • LZX Compressed
  • Reduced ULDR
  • Removed some unused modules
  • Patched no-cert


Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
aGPSConfirmation 1_0_19183131_04
Album 3_0_19202431_0
App_Service 1_72_0_2
Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
AudioBooster 2_2_19174121_0
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
BootLauncher 1_0_19152530_1
ButtonSetting 3_17_0_2
Calculator 1_0_19172021_00
Camera 6_16_35844_1
ClearStorage 1_42_0_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_2_0_2
CMPin 1_4_5_0
CommManager 2_9_11_0
ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19142726_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_19192630_00
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090720_02
DRMMiddleware 1_5_19142824_00
DShow 2_0_19191728_01
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1917_2021
FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FMRadio 2_0_19181421_00
FullScreenPlayer 1_6_19173924_00
GoogleMap 3_0_012_3
GSensorCalibrator 1_1_18212730_4
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCFDN 1_3_0_0
HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_1_19191322_00
HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
HTCScroll 2_0_19153028_1
HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
HTC_EmailSetupWizard 2_0_19183811_30
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
JBlendJava_JTWI 0_0_20090429_21R4
LongPressEndKey 1_2_19143124_00
MediaToolkit 1_0_19202431_00
Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_01
mHubVO 1_77_090609_X0
MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
Office------------only wwe version Office 2010
PhoneCanvas 3_50_36045_0
PhoneSetting 6_43_0_0
PictureEnhancement 1_50_19171326_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Power_Service 2_23_0_3
PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
Redial 1_3_0_0
ResourceProxy 1_0_19151630_00
RingtonePlugin 1_0_19161525_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1101_RP_02
RunCC 1_1_b_0
SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
SharedModules 1_01_19143331_03
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SIMLock 4_26_0_2
SIM_MGR 6_73_0_0
SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
STK_Service 4_91_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
StorageLow 1_0_0_3
StreamingMedia 3_1_19183421_01
StreamingSrcFilter 2_7_19162918_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19192032_00
TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
USBToPCPopUp 2_2_19143124_1
USSD_Service 4_34_0_1
VideoTelephony 2_5_34646_0
Volume_Control 2_2_19183727_20
Wi-FiWizard 1_20_0_1
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
WLANSettings 2_6_4_0
zlibce_m 1_2_3_0


Radio consigliata:

Discussione ufficiale:


venerdì 13 novembre 2009

Auguri udK!!

Visto che oggi compi gli anni e sono ben ...... e non dico altro!

Tantissimi auguri e MILLLLE di questi giorni!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

venerdì 6 novembre 2009

Avviso per la vostra sicurezza!

Siamo stati informati di alcuni casi di redistribuzione del nostro materiale, non ci assumiamo nessuna responsabilità dovuta alla modifica illecita delle nostre ROM-RADIO-FIX-PACCHETTI GRAFICI, per evitare l'accadersi di spiacevoli inconvenienti e avere la certezza di installare i nostri lavori, vi preghiamo di seguire questo consiglio:

You are welcome to download our creations and we would like to invite you to use the official channels like XDA, Team TIR blog, myPPC forum ONLY.
We are not responsible for any damages to your device, due to the modification of our packages by third parties and distributed outside the official T.I.R. supported channels.
Scaricate il nostro materiale solo da XDA ,il blog del Team TiR o il forum, noi non ci assumiamo nessuna responsabilità dovuta alla modifica degli archivi contenenti i nostri lavori e redistribuiti al di fuori dei nostri circuiti!

[ROM][WWE] udK TiR v4.0 - Build 21869.0.5.82 - HTC Sense Manila

udK TiR v4.0 - Build 21869.0.5.821 - HTC Sense Manila
Versione: v4.0
Lingua/e: WWE - ITA
Creatore: MaJa/udK
Data di rilascio: 06/11/2009
Descrizione: Rom con tutte le features del HTC LEO
Programmi inclusi:
  • Oltre a tutti gli applicativi del LEO
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Estensione explorer
  • Official Rhodium WM6.5 OEMXIPKernel
  • Based on the Official ROM v1.86
  • Full of Leo features.
  • .NET Compact Framework 3.5
  • LZX Compressed
  • Reduced ULDR
  • Removed some unused modules
  • Patched no-cert

Immagine Immagine Immagine

Codice: Seleziona tutto
[+]Updated all OEM
[+]Video Call in this ROM is OK ([b]Rhodium[/b])
[+]New OS CE 21869

  • udK TiR v4.0R (Con Rhodium PhoneCanvas e videochiamata, senza Opera e YouTube) RAPIDSHARE: WWE - ITA
  • udK TiR v4.0L (Con Leo PhoneCanvas, Opera e YouTube, senza videochiamata) RAPIDSHARE: WWE - ITA

Radio consigliata:

Discussione ufficiale:

Per disabilitare le connesioni dati potere usare :MODACO_NODATA


giovedì 5 novembre 2009


Versione: Ultima release 6.1
Lingua/e: ITA
Creatore: Zerocool
Data di rilascio: 05.11.09
Descrizione: E' l'ultima release win 6.1, non avendo più il dispositivo, ho cercato di basarmi su quanto da voi segnalato.
Programmi inclusi: Rom light, programmi integrabili tramite PDM

SCREEN (me li ha passati gentilmente Ferioki, che ringrazio ulteriormente per tutto il lavoro svolto):
Immagine Immagine




Discussione ufficiale:

no show double contact: ...



Versione: Ultima release 6.1
Lingua/e: ITA
Creatore: Zerocool
Data di rilascio: 05.11.09
Descrizione: E' l'ultima release win 6.1, non avendo più il dispositivo, ho cercato di basarmi su quanto da voi segnalato.
Programmi inclusi: Rom light, programmi integrabili tramite PDM

SCREEN (me li ha passati gentilmente Ferioki, che ringrazio ulteriormente per tutto il lavoro svolto):
Immagine Immagine



no show double contact: ...

Discussione ufficiale:


domenica 1 novembre 2009

T.i.R. v19 K - Puzzle [W.M. 6.5 - Build 23081]

T.i.R. v19 K - Puzzle [RAM 85 - 101MB]
Versioni: 19K Lite - Manila2D
Lingua/e: ITA - WWE
Creatore: UltimoJedi
Testers: Swatch83 - Sgoo
Data di rilascio: 01/11/2009
Descrizione: Windows Mobile 6.5 - CE OS 5.2.23081 (Build 21081.5.3.0)
Programmi inclusi:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
[*] PDM 5.0.3
[*] AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
[*] App_Service 1_74_0_0
[*] AutoShortcut_1_1_2_0
[*] BluetoothSetting_2_11_0_0
[*] Boot_Launcher 1_0_19152530_2
[*] BTBPP_1_7_18_R1
[*] BTSAP_3_2_0_R5
[*] ChangeUSBMode 1_10_0_1
[*] CleanRAM_v1_8
[*] ClearStorage 1_44_0_0
[*] CommManager 2_9_F_1
[*] Concurrence_Mgr 1_5_19113219_0000
[*] ConnectionSetup 3_1_19191913_00
[*] Contact_Utility_Engine 1_0_19182924_0000
[*] CyberonVoiceCommander
[*] DataDisconnect 1_14_0_2
[*] DeviceInfo 1_42_0_1
[*] Dialer Kaiser Style_19K
[*] DRM_Middleware 1_5_19142824_00
[*] Dshow 2_0_19163629_00
[*] FileUpload 1_1_0_0
[*] FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_18222929_0
[*] GfxBoost_1_1_Service
[*] HTC_Animation 1_3_5_0
[*] HTC_Application 1_14_1_0
[*] HTC_Calculator_QVGA_Main
[*] HTC_Camera 5_04_29195_00
[*] HTC_Font_Link 1_0_19132133_1
[*] HTC_Framework 1_1_19183729_00
[*] HTC_Gesture_1_0_32356_0
[*] HTC_Message 1_00_281_0
[*] HTC_Scroll 2_0_19173130_00
[*] HTC_Settings 1_4_3_0
[*] HTC_StartUp 1_7_0_0
[*] HTC_TI_Kaiser_Drivers
[*] HTC_Util_3_22_0_0
[*] IE6Enhancement 1_0_19181629_00
[*] InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_0
[*] Iolite_Arcsoft_MMS_QVGA
[*] LockstreamDRM 1_2_081216_O9_05
[*] Messaging_Client_Arcsoft 5_2_3_22R1
[*] mHub_VO 1_7_090609_0
[*] MicrophoneAGC 0_92_0_0
[*] MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
[*] Mute_1_1_2_0
[*] MyCPL 3_13_0_6
[*] NewMailAccount_1_11_0_1
[*] Notification_Enhancement 3_0_1919_1125
[*] OperaMINI_Beta5
[*] Picture_Enhancement 1_50_19171326_00
[*] PKG 1_1_0_0
[*] QuickGPS 1_00_18223225_00
[*] Random_Access 4_1_19173928_0
[*] Redial 1_3_0_0
[*] Ringtone_Plugin 1_0_080624_4
[*] RunCC 1_1_9_0
[*] Shared_Modules 1_01_19143331_01
[*] Showcase_1_0_1b
[*] Slide2ShutdownPowerKeySetup_QVGAv1.1
[*] SignatureReplace 1_2_0_0
[*] SIM_Lock 4_26_0_0
[*] SIM_Mgr 6_72_0_0
[*] SmartTouch_1_1_32635_1
[*] SMSInboxThreading 1_36_0_0
[*] STK_Service 4_93_0_1
[*] StorageLow_1_0_0_2
[*] Streaming_SDK 2_7_19143024_00
[*] TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19191132_00
[*] TouchFlo_3_0_33035_4
[*] USB_To_PC_Pop_Up 2_3_19183029_00
[*] USSDService 4_35_0_0
[*] VoiceRecorder 1_10_18192131_6
[*] VolumeControl_1_6_18223325_0
[*] WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
[*] WLANSettings 2_6_5_0
[*] Nuova Grafica (Puzzle Skin)

Immagine Immagine Immagine

Changelog versione M2D:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
[+] 2DManila 2_0_19191432_04 (Meteo pachato per individuare TUTTE le città italiane)
[+] aGPS_Confirmation 1_0_19183131_03
[+] Album_2_5_18221129_1
[+] Audio_Manager 2_2_19182329_LR1
[+] Email_Setup_Wizard 2_1_19191730_00
[+] Full_Screen_Player 1_7_19183031_01
[+] GoogleLocationService 1_0_1_12R1
[+] GoogleMaps_3_2_1_12
[+] HTC_GeoService 1_0_19191120_00
[+] Media_Tool_kit 1_0_19182223_00
[+] Menu_Enhancement 1_1_19191133_01
[+] Resource_Proxy 1_0_19132627_00
[+] Settings_Improvement 1_0_19184129_00
[+] YouTube 2_6_19182330_00
[+] zlibce_m 1_2_3_1


RAM 85MB (D3D)
[ITA] TIR 19K - Puzzle_Lite_85MB
[ITA] TIR 19K - Puzzle_M2D_85MB
[WWE] TIR 19K - Puzzle_Lite_85MB
[WWE] TIR 19K - Puzzle_M2D_85MB


Tra qualche giorno disponibile (in fase di modifica)...

Radio consigliata:

  • ...


Discussione ufficiale: QUI


T.i.R. v19 RH + PDM 5.0.3 WM 6.5

T.i.R. v19 RH
Versione: 19 RH
Lingua/e: ITA e WWE
Creatore: Maja
Data di rilascio: 01/11/2009
Descrizione: Windows Mobile 6.5 - CE OS 5.2.21869 (Build 21869.5.0.82)
Programmi inclusi:
  • PDM 5.0.3

Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine

Codice: Seleziona tutto
*AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
*aGPSConfirmation 1_0_19183131_04
*Album 3_0_19192033_0
*App_Service 1_72_0_2
*Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
*AudioBooster 2_2_19174121_0
*AudioManager_Eng 1_7_19181424_h
*BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
*BootLauncher 1_0_19152530_1
*ButtonSetting 3_17_0_2
*Calculator 1_0_19172021_00
*Camera 6_16_35844_1
*ClearStorage 1_42_0_0
*CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
*CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
*CMPhone 1_2_0_2
*CMPin 1_4_5_0
*CommManager 2_9_11_0
*ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19142726_00
*ConnectionSetup 3_1_19192630_00
*ContactUtilityEngine 1_0_19182924_0000
*DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
*DelWMPTempFolder 1_10_0_0
*DeviceInfo 1_35_0_2
*DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090720_02
*DRMMiddleware 1_5_19142824_00
*DShow 2_0_19191728_01
*ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1917_2021
*FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
*Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
*FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19191932_0
*FMRadio 2_0_19181421_00
*FullScreenPlayer 1_6_19173924_00
*GoogleLocationService 1_0_1_12R1
*GoogleMap 3_0_012_3
*GSensorCalibrator 1_1_18212730_4
*HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
*HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
*HTCFDN 1_3_0_0
*HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
*HTCFramework 1_1_19191322_00
*HTCGeoService 1_0_19191424_10
*HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
*HTCScroll 2_0_19153028_1
*HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
*HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
*HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
*HTC_EmailSetupWizard 2_0_19183811_30
*IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
*IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
*IME_Tutorial 1_0_19193423_00
*InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
*JBlendJava_JTWI 0_0_20090429_21R4
*LockScreenAppLauncher 1_0_1918_3824
*LongPressEndKey 1_2_19143124_00
*Manila 2_1_19193517_0
*Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_01
*mHubVO 1_77_090609_X0
*MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
*MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
*Mute 1_1_2_0
*MyCPL 3_13_0_6
*NewContactCard 1_0_19182221_02
*NewMailAccount 1_11_0_1
*Notification_Enhancement 2_0_1919_1427
*OOBE 1_0_19193332_00
*Opera_Browser 9_50_17518_0
*PhoneCanvas 3_50_36045_0
*PhoneSetting 6_41_0_1
*PictureEnhancement 1_50_19171326_00
*PKG 1_1_0_0
*PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
*Power_Service 2_23_0_3
*PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
*RandomAccess 4_1_19163625_0
*Redial 1_3_0_0
*ResourceProxy 1_0_19151630_00
*RingtonePlugin 1_0_19161525_00
*RSSHub 2_1_1_1101_RP_02
*RunCC 1_1_b_0
*SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
*SharedModules 1_01_19143331_03
*SignatureReplace 1_2_0_0
*SimContactImport 3_4_19191429_00
*SIMLock 4_26_0_2
*SIM_MGR 6_73_0_0
*SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
*STK_Service 4_91_0_0
*STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
*StorageLow 1_0_0_3
*StreamingMedia 3_1_19183421_01
*StreamingSrcFilter 2_7_19162918_00
*TaskManager 2_1_19183631_17
*TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19192032_00
*TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
*TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
*USBToPCPopUp 2_2_19143124_1
*USSD_Service 4_34_0_1
*VideoTelephony 2_5_34646_0
*Volume_Control 2_2_19183727_20
*Wi-FiWizard 1_20_0_1
*WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
*WLANSettings 2_6_4_0
*YouTube 2_6_19174121_00
*zlibce_m 1_2_3_0


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