lunedì 28 dicembre 2009

MJ_Cyan Manila 2.5 - WM6.5.3

Versione: R6
Lingua/e: ITA
Creatore: MichyPrima (Cucina), James72 (Grafica, test, e aiuto cuoco)
Data di rilascio: 28/12/09
Descrizione: ROM WM6.5.3 per htc Raphael, versione full, manila 2.5. La rom è stata attentamente curata in ogni particolare.
Programmi inclusi:
  • Manila 2.5 + Tutte le dipendenze
  • Dialer 3G funzionante
  • Google maps
  • Opera 9.7
  • Voice Commander 2.5
  • Total Commander
  • WinRAR
  • zsIRC
  • FF TaskManager sulla cornetta verde
  • PocketScreen
  • HTC WifiRouter
  • Facebook
  • JBlend
  • Mio installer e mio sistema di customizzazione


Discussione ufficiale

Change log:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
- Prima rom della serie rilasciata il 28/12/09. Nulla da segnalare.

Download: ... .part1.rar ... .part2.rar

giovedì 24 dicembre 2009

Auguri di buon Natale!!

Tantissimi auguri di Buon Natale dal Team T.i.R.!

Purtroppo Babbo Natale è rimasto a piedi con la slitta,
ma ha trovato comunque un mezzo decente per
consegnare i regali, speriamo che non buchi!



venerdì 18 dicembre 2009

TiR Explosion v4

TiR Explosion -build 28014.5.5.0
Versione: v4
Lingua/e: ITA/WWE
Creatore: MaJa
Data di rilascio: 18-dec-2009
Descrizione: Rom con Opera 10 e la nuova interfaccia Homescreen
Programmi inclusi:
  • Rom lite
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Official Rhodium WM6.5 OEMXIPKernel
  • Basato sulla Rom ufficiale v1.90
  • .NET Compact Framework 3.5
  • LZX Compresso
  • Riduzione ULDR
  • Rimossi moduli non utili
  • Patched no-cert

Immagine Immagine

Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
aGPSConfirmation 1_0_19183131_04
Album 3_0_19202431_0
App_Service 1_72_0_2
Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
AudioBooster 2_2_19174121_0
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
BootLauncher 1_0_19152530_1
ButtonSetting 3_17_0_2
Calculator 1_0_19172021_00
Camera 6_16_35844_1
ClearStorage 1_42_0_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_2_0_2
CMPin 1_4_5_0
CommManager 2_9_11_0
ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19142726_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_19192630_00
ContactUtilityEngine 1_0_19194021_0000
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
DelWMPTempFolder 1_10_0_0
DeviceInfo 1_35_0_2
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090720_02
DRMMiddleware 1_5_19142824_00
DShow 2_0_19203927_00
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1917_2021
FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FMRadio 2_0_19181421_00
FullScreenPlayer 1_6_19173924_00
GSensorCalibrator 1_1_18212730_4
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCFDN 1_3_0_0
HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_1_19191322_00
HTCGeoService 1_0_19191424_10
HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
HTCScroll 2_0_19153028_1
HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
HTC_EmailSetupWizard 2_0_19183811_30
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
JBlendJava_JTWI 0_0_20090429_21R4
LongPressEndKey 1_2_19143124_00
MediaToolkit 1_0_19202431_00
Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_01
mHubVO 1_77_090609_X0
MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
NewContactCard 1_0_19202620_00
NewMailAccount 1_11_0_1
PhoneCanvas 3_50_36045_0
PhoneSetting 6_43_0_0
PictureEnhancement 1_50_19171326_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Power_Service 2_23_0_3
PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
Redial 1_3_0_0
ResourceProxy 1_0_19151630_00
RingtonePlugin 1_0_19161525_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1101_RP_02
RunCC 1_1_b_0
SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
SharedModules 1_01_19143331_03
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SimContactImport 3_4_19191429_00
SIMLock 4_26_0_2
SIM_MGR 6_73_0_0
SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
STK_Service 4_91_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
StorageLow 1_0_0_3
StreamingMedia 3_1_19183421_01
StreamingSrcFilter 2_7_19162918_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19192032_00
TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
USBToPCPopUp 2_2_19143124_1
USSD_Service 4_34_0_1
VideoTelephony 2_5_34646_0
Wi-FiWizard 1_20_0_1
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
WLANSettings 2_6_4_0
Task_Manager_X2 653
zlibce_m 1_2_3_0




Radio consigliata:

  • Tir keyboard wwe Per chi ha il TP2 WWE e vuole mettere la ROM in ITA, questo è il CAB per la tastiera.
  • ...

Discussione ufficiale:


T.i.R. K-Element (Earth)

T.i.R. K-Element (Earth) [Build 28014.5.5.0]
Versione: v2
Lingua/e: ITA - WWE
Creatore: UltimoJedi
Data di rilascio: 16/12/2009
Descrizione: Rom con la nuova interfaccia Homescreen
Programmi inclusi:
  • Rom Lite
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Bing
  • Marketplace
  • MS_Facebook
  • .Netcf 3.5

Immagine Immagine Immagine

Codice: Seleziona tutto
[!] FIX ITA ricalibratura Display (Grazie all'amico MaJa)
[!] FIX TSK con sfondo Bianco (eliminato l'alone grigio)
[!] Nuova Grafica (K-Element_Earth)
[!] Tasti quadrati W.M. 6.5.
[+] Homescreen_v2
[+] MyPhone_1.5.2317
[-] VolumeControl
[-] Notification_Enhancement
[-] VolumeControl

[ITA] TiR_K-Element_v2
[WWE] TiR_K-Element_v2

  • ...

  • ...

Discussione ufficiale: QUI


lunedì 14 dicembre 2009

domenica 13 dicembre 2009

Google wave! 2

Seconda trance di inviti!! Altri 5 veloci lettori del blog avranno un invito!! Affrettatevi!!

sabato 12 dicembre 2009

Google wave!

Per tutti quelli che ne avessero voglia , ho 15 inviti a disposizione! Se ne volete uno, basta che rispondiate al post segnalandomi il vostro indirizzo mail ( ovviamente meglio se gmail). Per dare la possibilità a tutti di averne uno verranno suddivisi in 3 post da 5 inviti, e verranno postati ad orari diversi, oggi il primo, domani e dopodomani gli altri due. Appena possibile spedirò gli inviti , che ricordo non saranno immediati, ma dovranno essere messi in lista ( questo lo fa google in automatico , a me non è dato scegliere la velocità dell'invio dell'invito). Quindi buona fortuna!

martedì 8 dicembre 2009

T.i.R. v20 RH + PDM 5.0.3 WM 6.5

T.i.R. v20 RH
Versione: 20 RH
Lingua/e: ITA e WWE
Creatore: Maja
Data di rilascio: 08/12/2009
Descrizione: Windows Mobile 6.5 - CE OS 5.2.21884 (Build 21884.5.0.85)
Programmi inclusi:
  • PDM 5.0.3


Codice: Seleziona tutto
*AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
*aGPSConfirmation 1_0_19183131_04
*Album 3_0_19202431_0
*App_Service 1_72_0_2
*Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
*AudioBooster 2_2_19174121_0
*AudioManager_Eng 1_7_19202329_h
*BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
*BootLauncher 1_0_19152530_1
*ButtonSetting 3_17_0_2
*Calculator 1_0_19172021_00
*Camera 6_16_35844_1
*ClearStorage 1_42_0_0
*CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
*CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
*CMPhone 1_2_0_2
*CMPin 1_4_5_0
*CommManager 2_9_11_0
*ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19142726_00
*ConnectionSetup 3_1_19192630_00
*ContactUtilityEngine 1_0_19194021_0000
*DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
*DelWMPTempFolder 1_10_0_0
*DeviceInfo 1_35_0_2
*DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090720_02
*DRMMiddleware 1_5_19142824_00
*DShow 2_0_19203927_00
*ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1917_2021
*FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
*Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
*FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
*FMRadio 2_0_19181421_00
*FullScreenPlayer 1_6_19173924_00
*GoogleLocationService 1_0_1_12R1
*GoogleMap 3_0_012_3
*GSensorCalibrator 1_1_18212730_4
*HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
*HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
*HTCFDN 1_3_0_0
*HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
*HTCFramework 1_1_19191322_00
*HTCGeoService 1_0_19191424_10
*HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
*HTCScroll 2_0_19153028_1
*HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
*HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
*HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
*HTC_EmailSetupWizard 2_0_19183811_30
*IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
*IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
*IME_Tutorial 1_0_19193423_00
*InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
*JBlendJava_JTWI 0_0_20090429_21R4
*LockScreenAppLauncher 1_0_1918_3824
*LongPressEndKey 1_2_19143124_00
*MediaToolkit 1_0_19202431_00
*MenuEnhancement 1_0_19201529_00
*Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_01
*mHubVO 1_77_090609_X0
*MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
*MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
*Mute 1_1_2_0
*MyCPL 3_13_0_6
*NewContactCard 1_0_19202620_00
*NewMailAccount 1_11_0_1
*Notification_Enhancement 2_0_1919_1427
*OOBE 1_0_19193332_10
*Opera_Browser 9_50_17992_0
*PhoneCanvas 3_50_36045_0
*PhoneSetting 6_43_0_0
*PictureEnhancement 1_50_19171326_00
*PKG 1_1_0_0
*PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
*Power_Service 2_23_0_3
*PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
*RandomAccess 4_1_19163625_0
*Redial 1_3_0_0
*ResourceProxy 1_0_19151630_00
*RingtonePlugin 1_0_19161525_00
*RSSHub 2_1_1_1101_RP_02
*RunCC 1_1_b_0
*SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
*SharedModules 1_01_19143331_03
*SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
*SimContactImport 3_4_19191429_00
*SIMLock 4_26_0_2
*SIM_MGR 6_73_0_0
*SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
*STK_Service 4_91_0_0
*STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
*StorageLow 1_0_0_3
*StreamingMedia 3_1_19183421_01
*StreamingSrcFilter 2_7_19162918_00
*TaskManager 2_1_19203822_17
*TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19192032_00
*TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
*TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
*USBToPCPopUp 2_2_19143124_1
*USSD_Service 4_34_0_1
*VideoTelephony 2_5_34646_0
*Volume_Control 2_2_19183727_20
*Wi-FiWizard 1_20_0_1
*WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
*WLANSettings 2_6_4_0
*YouTube 2_6_19174121_00
*zlibce_m 1_2_3_0


Radio consigliata:

  • Tir keyboard wwe Per chi ha il TP2 WWE e vuole mettere la ROM in ITA, questo è il CAB per la tastiera.
  • Solitario_BB_RH I classici giochi del Solitario e BubbleBreaker in ITA più il video poker.
  • ...

Discussione ufficiale:


lunedì 7 dicembre 2009

Video anteprima TiR v20 RH Rhodium

Ecco il video in anteprima della prossima TiR v20 RH per il Rhodium.

Ovviamente solo su

T.i.R. K-Element con Homescreen

T.i.R. K-Element [Build 28008.5.3.0]
Versione: v1
Lingua/e: ITA - WWE
Creatore: UltimoJedi
Data di rilascio: 06/12/2009
Descrizione: Rom con la nuova interfaccia Homescreen
Programmi inclusi:
  • Rom Lite
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Bing
  • Marketplace
  • Microsoft My Phone
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • Nuova Grafica (K-Element_v1)

Immagine Immagine Immagine

[+] Homescreen
[+] MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1

[ITA] TiR_K-Element_v1
[WWE] TiR_K-Element_v1

Discussione ufficiale: QUI


sabato 5 dicembre 2009

TiR Explosion v3

TiR Explosion -build 28008.5.3.0
Versione: v3
Lingua/e: ITA/WWE
Creatore: MaJa
Data di rilascio: 05-dec-2009
Descrizione: Rom con Opera 10 e la nuova interfaccia Homescreen
Programmi inclusi:
  • Rom lite
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Official Rhodium WM6.5 OEMXIPKernel
  • Basato sulla Rom ufficiale v1.90
  • .NET Compact Framework 3.5
  • LZX Compresso
  • Riduzione ULDR
  • Rimossi moduli non utili
  • Patched no-cert


Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
aGPSConfirmation 1_0_19183131_04
Album 3_0_19202431_0
App_Service 1_72_0_2
Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
AudioBooster 2_2_19174121_0
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
BootLauncher 1_0_19152530_1
ButtonSetting 3_17_0_2
Calculator 1_0_19172021_00
Camera 6_16_35844_1
ClearStorage 1_42_0_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_2_0_2
CMPin 1_4_5_0
CommManager 2_9_11_0
ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19142726_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_19192630_00
ContactUtilityEngine 1_0_19194021_0000
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
DeviceInfo 1_35_0_2
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090720_02
DRMMiddleware 1_5_19142824_00
DShow 2_0_19203927_00
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1917_2021
FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FMRadio 2_0_19181421_00
FullScreenPlayer 1_6_19173924_00
GoogleMap 3_0_012_3
GSensorCalibrator 1_1_18212730_4
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCFDN 1_3_0_0
HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_1_19191322_00
HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
HTCScroll 2_0_19153028_1
HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
HTC_EmailSetupWizard 2_0_19183811_30
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
JbedJava 0_0_20090507_2_1
LongPressEndKey 1_2_19143124_00
MediaToolkit 1_0_19202431_00
Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_01
mHubVO 1_77_090609_X0
MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
NewContactCard 1_0_19202620_00
PhoneCanvas 3_50_36045_0
PhoneSetting 6_43_0_0
PictureEnhancement 1_50_19171326_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Power_Service 2_23_0_3
PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
Redial 1_3_0_0
ResourceProxy 1_0_19151630_00
RingtonePlugin 1_0_19161525_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1101_RP_02
RunCC 1_1_b_0
SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
SharedModules 1_01_19143331_03
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SimContactImport 3_4_19191429_00
SIMLock 4_26_0_2
SIM_MGR 6_73_0_0
SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
STK_Service 4_91_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
StorageLow 1_0_0_3
StreamingMedia 3_1_19183421_01
StreamingSrcFilter 2_7_19162918_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19192032_00
TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
USBToPCPopUp 2_2_19143124_1
USSD_Service 4_34_0_1
VideoTelephony 2_5_34646_0
Wi-FiWizard 1_20_0_1
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
WLANSettings 2_6_4_0
X PDM5.03
zlibce_m 1_2_3_0
New Task Manager for 6.5.3




Radio consigliata:

  • Tir keyboard wwe Per chi ha il TP2 WWE e vuole mettere la ROM in ITA, questo è il CAB per la tastiera.
  • ...

Discussione ufficiale:

TiR Explosion -build 28008.5.3.0
Versione: v3
Lingua/e: ITA/WWE
Creatore: MaJa
Data di rilascio: 05-dec-2009
Descrizione: Rom con Opera 10 e la nuova interfaccia Homescreen
Programmi inclusi:
  • Rom lite
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Official Rhodium WM6.5 OEMXIPKernel
  • Basato sulla Rom ufficiale v1.90
  • .NET Compact Framework 3.5
  • LZX Compresso
  • Riduzione ULDR
  • Rimossi moduli non utili
  • Patched no-cert


Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
aGPSConfirmation 1_0_19183131_04
Album 3_0_19202431_0
App_Service 1_72_0_2
Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
AudioBooster 2_2_19174121_0
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
BootLauncher 1_0_19152530_1
ButtonSetting 3_17_0_2
Calculator 1_0_19172021_00
Camera 6_16_35844_1
ClearStorage 1_42_0_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_2_0_2
CMPin 1_4_5_0
CommManager 2_9_11_0
ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19142726_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_19192630_00
ContactUtilityEngine 1_0_19194021_0000
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
DeviceInfo 1_35_0_2
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090720_02
DRMMiddleware 1_5_19142824_00
DShow 2_0_19203927_00
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1917_2021
FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FMRadio 2_0_19181421_00
FullScreenPlayer 1_6_19173924_00
GoogleMap 3_0_012_3
GSensorCalibrator 1_1_18212730_4
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCFDN 1_3_0_0
HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_1_19191322_00
HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
HTCScroll 2_0_19153028_1
HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
HTC_EmailSetupWizard 2_0_19183811_30
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
JbedJava 0_0_20090507_2_1
LongPressEndKey 1_2_19143124_00
MediaToolkit 1_0_19202431_00
Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_01
mHubVO 1_77_090609_X0
MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
NewContactCard 1_0_19202620_00
PhoneCanvas 3_50_36045_0
PhoneSetting 6_43_0_0
PictureEnhancement 1_50_19171326_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Power_Service 2_23_0_3
PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
Redial 1_3_0_0
ResourceProxy 1_0_19151630_00
RingtonePlugin 1_0_19161525_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1101_RP_02
RunCC 1_1_b_0
SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
SharedModules 1_01_19143331_03
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SimContactImport 3_4_19191429_00
SIMLock 4_26_0_2
SIM_MGR 6_73_0_0
SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
STK_Service 4_91_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
StorageLow 1_0_0_3
StreamingMedia 3_1_19183421_01
StreamingSrcFilter 2_7_19162918_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19192032_00
TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
USBToPCPopUp 2_2_19143124_1
USSD_Service 4_34_0_1
VideoTelephony 2_5_34646_0
Wi-FiWizard 1_20_0_1
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
WLANSettings 2_6_4_0
X PDM5.03
zlibce_m 1_2_3_0
New Task Manager for 6.5.3




Radio consigliata:

  • Tir keyboard wwe Per chi ha il TP2 WWE e vuole mettere la ROM in ITA, questo è il CAB per la tastiera.
  • ...

Discussione ufficiale:


martedì 1 dicembre 2009

T.i.R. v20 K - Venezia

T.i.R. v20 K - Venezia
Versioni: 20K [Lite - Manila2D]
Lingua/e: ITA - WWE
Creatore: UltimoJedi
Data di rilascio: 01/12/2009
Descrizione: Windows Mobile 6.5 - CE OS 5.2.28004 (Build 28004.5.3.0)
Programmi inclusi:
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • GfxBoost_1_1_Service (Solo nelle versioni 85MB)
  • Nuova Grafica (Venezia Skin)

Immagine Immagine
Immagine Immagine
Immagine Immagine

Changelog versione M2D:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
[+] 2DManila 2_0_19191432_04 (Meteo pachato per individuare TUTTE le città italiane)
[+] CleanRAM_v_1_9
[+] GoogleMaps_3_2_1_35
[+] YouTube 2_6_19182330_00


[ITA] TIR 20K - VE_Lite_85MB_2G
[WWE] TIR 20K - VE_Lite_85MB_2G
[ITA] TIR 20K - VE_Lite_85MB_3G
[WWE] TIR 20K - VE_Lite_85MB_3G

[ITA] TIR 20K - VE_Lite_101MB_2G
[WWE] TIR 20K - VE_Lite_101MB_2G
[ITA] TIR 20K - VE_Lite_101MB_3G
[WWE] TIR 20K - VE_Lite_101MB_3G

[ITA] TIR 20K - VE_M2D_85MB_2G
[WWE] TIR 20K - VE_M2D_85MB_2G
[ITA] TIR 20K - VE_M2D_85MB_3G
[WWE] TIR 20K - VE_M2D_85MB_3G

[ITA] TIR 20K - VE_M2D_101MB_2G
[WWE] TIR 20K - VE_M2D_101MB_2G
[ITA] TIR 20K - VE_M2D_101MB_3G
[WWE] TIR 20K - VE_M2D_101MB_3G

Radio consigliata:


  • ...

Discussione ufficiale: QUI


lunedì 30 novembre 2009

Anteprima della nuova TiR v20 Kaiser

T.i.R. v20 K - Venezia
Versioni: 20K [Lite - Manila2D]
Lingua/e: ITA - WWE
Creatore: UltimoJedi
Testers: Swatch83 - Sgoo
Data di rilascio: 01/12/2009

Immagine Immagine
Immagine Immagine
Immagine Immagine


sabato 28 novembre 2009

TiR Explosion v2

TiR Explosion -build 28005.5.3.0
Versione: v2
Lingua/e: ITA/WWE
Creatore: MaJa
Data di rilascio: 28-nov-2009
Descrizione: Rom con Opera 10 e per la vesione WWE Office 2010
Programmi inclusi:
  • Rom lite
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Official Rhodium WM6.5 OEMXIPKernel
  • Based on the Official ROM v1.88
  • .NET Compact Framework 3.5
  • LZX Compressed
  • Reduced ULDR
  • Removed some unused modules
  • Patched no-cert


Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
aGPSConfirmation 1_0_19183131_04
Album 3_0_19202431_0
App_Service 1_72_0_2
Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
AudioBooster 2_2_19174121_0
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
BootLauncher 1_0_19152530_1
ButtonSetting 3_17_0_2
Calculator 1_0_19172021_00
Camera 6_16_35844_1
ClearStorage 1_42_0_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_2_0_2
CMPin 1_4_5_0
CommManager 2_9_11_0
ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19142726_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_19192630_00
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090720_02
DRMMiddleware 1_5_19142824_00
DShow 2_0_19191728_01
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1917_2021
FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FMRadio 2_0_19181421_00
FullScreenPlayer 1_6_19173924_00
GoogleMap 3_0_012_3
GSensorCalibrator 1_1_18212730_4
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCFDN 1_3_0_0
HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_1_19191322_00
HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
HTCScroll 2_0_19153028_1
HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
HTC_EmailSetupWizard 2_0_19183811_30
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
JBlendJava_JTWI 0_0_20090429_21R4
LongPressEndKey 1_2_19143124_00
MediaToolkit 1_0_19202431_00
Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_01
mHubVO 1_77_090609_X0
MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
Office------------only wwe version Office 2010
PhoneCanvas 3_50_36045_0
PhoneSetting 6_43_0_0
PictureEnhancement 1_50_19171326_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Power_Service 2_23_0_3
PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
Redial 1_3_0_0
ResourceProxy 1_0_19151630_00
RingtonePlugin 1_0_19161525_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1101_RP_02
RunCC 1_1_b_0
SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
SharedModules 1_01_19143331_03
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SIMLock 4_26_0_2
SIM_MGR 6_73_0_0
SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
STK_Service 4_91_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
StorageLow 1_0_0_3
StreamingMedia 3_1_19183421_01
StreamingSrcFilter 2_7_19162918_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19192032_00
TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
USBToPCPopUp 2_2_19143124_1
USSD_Service 4_34_0_1
VideoTelephony 2_5_34646_0
Volume_Control 2_2_19183727_20
Wi-FiWizard 1_20_0_1
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
WLANSettings 2_6_4_0
zlibce_m 1_2_3_0
New Task Manager for 6.5.3

Ulteriori modifiche:


Radio consigliata:


Discussione ufficiale:


giovedì 26 novembre 2009

mercoledì 25 novembre 2009

TiR tester!

Ecco cosa faccio ogni volta che finisco di testare una ROM di Maja!!

In coda al filmato ci sono i commenti di Maja e udK!! :risata:

sabato 21 novembre 2009

udK Leo R7 WM6.5 - Base v2.31

udK Leo R7
Versione: R7
Lingua/e: WWE-GER-ITA
Creatore: udK
Data di rilascio: 20/11/2009
Descrizione: Build 21874.5.0.83
Programmi inclusi:
  • Manila v2.5
  • Auto Install
  • ROM Settings
  • E molto altro!

Immagine Immagine

Codice: Seleziona tutto
[!]Fixed A2DP
[!]Fixed Facebook Album online




Discussione ufficiale:

udK WM6.5.3 BETA1 - Base v2.31 - No Manila

Aggiornamento anche per l'amico udK!!

udK WM6.5.3 BETA1
Versione: BETA1
Lingua/e: WWE-GER-ITA
Creatore: udK
Data di rilascio: 20/11/2009
Descrizione: Build 28002.5.3.0
Programmi inclusi:

Immagine Immagine

Codice: Seleziona tutto
[+]OS CE 28002 (WM 6.5.3)
[!]Fixed A2DP
[!]Fixed Facebook Album online




Discussione ufficiale:

TiR Explosion v1.1

TiR Explosion -build 28002.5.3.0
Versione: v1.1
Data di rilascio:21-nov-2009
Descrizione: Rom con Opera 10 e per la vesione WWE Office 2010
Programmi inclusi:
  • Rom lite
  • .Netcf 3.5
  • PDM 5.0.3
  • Official Rhodium WM6.5 OEMXIPKernel
  • Based on the Official ROM v1.88
  • .NET Compact Framework 3.5
  • LZX Compressed
  • Reduced ULDR
  • Removed some unused modules
  • Patched no-cert


Codice: Seleziona tutto
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
aGPSConfirmation 1_0_19183131_04
Album 3_0_19202431_0
App_Service 1_72_0_2
Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
AudioBooster 2_2_19174121_0
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_1
BootLauncher 1_0_19152530_1
ButtonSetting 3_17_0_2
Calculator 1_0_19172021_00
Camera 6_16_35844_1
ClearStorage 1_42_0_0
CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
CMInternetSharing 1_1_1_2
CMPhone 1_2_0_2
CMPin 1_4_5_0
CommManager 2_9_11_0
ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19142726_00
ConnectionSetup 3_1_19192630_00
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090720_02
DRMMiddleware 1_5_19142824_00
DShow 2_0_19191728_01
ExtNewPhoneSetting 1_0_1917_2021
FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
FMRadio 2_0_19181421_00
FullScreenPlayer 1_6_19173924_00
GoogleMap 3_0_012_3
GSensorCalibrator 1_1_18212730_4
HTCAnimation 1_3_5_0
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCFDN 1_3_0_0
HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_1_19191322_00
HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
HTCScroll 2_0_19153028_1
HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_1
HTC_EmailSetupWizard 2_0_19183811_30
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
JBlendJava_JTWI 0_0_20090429_21R4
LongPressEndKey 1_2_19143124_00
MediaToolkit 1_0_19202431_00
Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_01
mHubVO 1_77_090609_X0
MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
MS_Facebook 1_0_07_1
Mute 1_1_2_0
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
Office------------only wwe version Office 2010
PhoneCanvas 3_50_36045_0
PhoneSetting 6_43_0_0
PictureEnhancement 1_50_19171326_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Power_Service 2_23_0_3
PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
Redial 1_3_0_0
ResourceProxy 1_0_19151630_00
RingtonePlugin 1_0_19161525_00
RSSHub 2_1_1_1101_RP_02
RunCC 1_1_b_0
SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
SharedModules 1_01_19143331_03
SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
SIMLock 4_26_0_2
SIM_MGR 6_73_0_0
SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
STK_Service 4_91_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
StorageLow 1_0_0_3
StreamingMedia 3_1_19183421_01
StreamingSrcFilter 2_7_19162918_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19192032_00
TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
USBToPCPopUp 2_2_19143124_1
USSD_Service 4_34_0_1
VideoTelephony 2_5_34646_0
Volume_Control 2_2_19183727_20
Wi-FiWizard 1_20_0_1
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_0
WLANSettings 2_6_4_0
zlibce_m 1_2_3_0

Ulteriori modifiche:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
1-Fix scrollBar nel modulo telefono
2-Inclusione di una sorta di taskmanager per chiudere le applicazioni legato all' orologio nella barra superiore
3-Aggiornamento a Myphone 1.5.2128
4-Riduzione ulteriore memoria


Radio consigliata:

Discussione ufficiale:
